A great place to start is the link below, it will give you an overview of our API, and the main methods that will be used in a typical integration (there are usually only a few that you’ll need).
Description of Methods
This document describes the GBG Web Service interface for performing identity and background checks of an individual
Sample Code
A collection of sample code in different integration languages, sample XML requests (and responses) and other general sample information to be used for reference when integrating with ID3global.
Mandatory Fields
The spreadsheet below contains a list of mandatory fields required for sending data to be authenticated by ID3global:
Download Mandatory Requirements (Oct 2020)
This document can be referred to when building your user interface. It will allow you to check that the data you are collecting is aligned with what is required for a successful authentication.
Test Data
This collection of downloadable test data is only valid on our Pilot/Test site and contains the following:
test data for international country item checks
test data for international PEP and Sanctions
test data for the UK Bank Account Validation and Verification Item checks
The test data is provided to allow you to test that you are in fact sending the data correctly to be authenticated by the ID3global web service.
Please Note: All test data is fabricated, the details are not of real individuals.
IPs, Ports etc.
The IP addresses and ports used by ID3global
Help Guides
A collection of web-based help guides to train in how to perform the majority of the functionality required to use ID3global effectively.